Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can contact me directly to book a free 20-minute consultation and/or any appointments. You do not need a referral to work with me.

 If you are planning to use insurance please also see “Will insurance cover the cost of therapy?”

During our free 20-minute consultation we will speak over the phone about your concerns, goals, and past experiences (if any) with therapy. I’ll share more about my approach and practice, to ensure a fit with your needs. I also use this time to answer your questions.

Sessions are 50-minutes in length. Longer 80-minute sessions can also be scheduled as needed.

The number, frequency, and duration of therapy can vary depending on your goals and presenting concerns. It’s also important to note that your goals and needs may change as you engage in therapy.

To learn more and discuss your individual needs feel free to contact me.

All sessions are only offered virtually. Sessions will take place via video conferencing or over the phone.

My fee for psychotherapy is typically $235/hour. I also offer a sliding scale fee structure for a limited number of spots in my practice as part of my commitment increase accessibility to mental health services. Sliding scale spots are based on availability and review of one’s financial situation. 

I issue receipts for all services rendered. Receipts can be retained for income tax purposes as a medical expense and/or for insurance purposes depending on your individual circumstances.

No. Psychologists are not required to charge HST for the provision of psychotherapy services within the Province of Ontario.

Payment can be made by e-transfer, debit, or credit card at the time of your session. Credit and debit card payments will be processed through the OWL Practice Platform powered by Stripe. 

I  also have a direct billing relationship with certain insurance companies. 

Receipts will be issued for all payments.

While many insurance companies cover full/partial services provided by registered clinical psychologists, each insurance plan is unique. I recommend that you speak to your insurance provider about your coverage to learn more. 

Some specific questions you may want ask include:

  • Does my insurance cover mental health/psychological services including psychotherapy?
  • Does my insurance cover mental health/psychological services rendered by a registered clinical psychologist?
  • What portion of mental health/psychological services are covered by my plan?
  • Does my plan have a limit on how many sessions I can have per year?
  • Similarly, is there a financial/total limit that my plan will cover per year?
  • Do I need a referral from a primary care physician to be able use these insurance benefits?

I have a direct billing relationship with certain insurance companies. I also issue receipts for all services I provide. If direct billing does not apply, these receipts can be shared with your insurance provider based on your plan.

Please note: OHIP does not currently provide coverage for private psychological services.

No. As a registered Clinical and Counselling Psychologist I do not prescribe medication. I respect your individual decision to use or not use mental health medication. 

If you are unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours in advance.  Full rate for the session will be charged for missed appointments or cancellations made under 24 hours.

Please note insurance providers do not typically reimburse fees for missed or cancelled appointments.

I  aim to respect your privacy and confidentiality with respect the information you share.

With this in mind, your personal health information will be stored in line with the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA) and best practices surrounding privacy. 

In addition, information you share will be held confidential and if released will be done with your informed consent or that of your legally-designed decision maker (where applicable). However, as a Psychologist there are “limits to confidentiality” which constitutes circumstances when I will need to breach confidentiality in Ontario. These include:

  1. If you share that you intend to harm yourself or someone else in the immediate future.
  2. If you disclose information about the abuse or neglect of child who is under the age of 16.
  3. If you disclose sexual assault by a registered healthcare provider and provide us with their name.
  4. If you disclose information about the abuse of a resident as per the Long Term Homes Act, Residential Homes Act, and Retirement Homes Act.
  5. If the courts issue a subpoena for your records.
  6. If the police present a Order or Search Warrant in line with the Missing Persons Act.

Please know you are always welcome to contact me should you have any questions or concerns related to privacy and confidentiality.

Please feel free to contact me with any other questions you might have by booking a free 20-minute phone consultation. I look forward to connecting with you!

Ready to Start Your Journey?

Taking the next step can be challenging, and it’s perfectly natural to feel uncertain.

I’m here to support you.

Join me for a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation. We can talk about your aspirations, address any concerns you have, and explore how we can work together towards your goals.